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During quarantine, I got to a point I felt stuck with no direction as to where this journey was taking me. The death of a friend who was a lightworker and helped others, me included, really opened another door. She came to me in death, and advised I use the gifts I'd had since childhood, ones I was told to fear. The week of her funeral, I visited another friend in the community who does energy clearings after receiving this message, and she advised I see Shawn Thompson. She spoke of Shawn's upcoming class and urged me to partake in it. I did. This was incredibly solidifying and transformational for me! I now knew this was my calling and how I could help others who have walked a similar path just as I'd always wanted to do. Although I may have been a bit further than the others in my journey here, it was so needed for me to get back to structure and how to utilize my gifts. To know I wasn't alone, to feel accepted and not shamed, and to have the reassurance and knowledge I needed to move forward. I highly recommend Shawn to mentor and assist you in your journey. She is knowledgeable, her energy is so light and airy, her light shines very bright. The knowledge she brings is an incredible blessing and her class was affordable unlike so many others. I am looking forward to advancing with her and utilizing her mentorship
Tanya R.
Today I had the honor to get a chance to get a message for someone I loved thanks to Shawn Thompson, I have been struggling with the unknown that my fiancé was still watching over me from the other side. Today marks one month exactly to the day he passed away. Ironically this is the day I picked for me 15 minute session not even realizing that for some reason it work be the first month of his death. The message I received was absolutely everything I hope for knowing he was on the other side watching over me! I felt Shawn’s emotions as she spoke to me about my loved one. I will for ever be great full for the time I got to spend with my love. The reinsurance from Shawn was so heart felt there are no words to describe the love I was feeling from her that he was telling her. Thank you so very much for your time to let me know that I’m stilled loved and watched over from the other side! Sincerely Kristen
Kristen Discuillo