
Whether you're facing a challenge or life transition, wanting more out of your business or personal life, seeking help with a challenging relationship, or simply just stuck and needing ways to move forward I can help.

Book A Reading NOW!

Medium Readings

Mediumship Readings are a very unique and sacred form of communication that bridges the gap between our world and the Afterlife.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve delivered countless heartwarming messages from Loved ones in spirit.  Each and every reading has deeply touched my soul.  The profound healing that takes place for my clients after a mediumship reading is one of the reasons, I am so humbled to be doing this work.  Yes, love can heal from across the veil!  What a blessing to connect with loved ones from the other side of the veil in order to bring forth loving messages, healing, and at times, closure.

Reconnecting to the people you love and miss in spirit can be transformational and uplifting.  By combining spiritual counseling and Mediumship, profound results in healing occur. Watch this video to understand how the two work together: Click HERE to watch video

It also serves as a beautiful part of the healing process of grief.  Messages that come forth not only heal but at times can comfort, be a catalyst for forgiveness, complete words left unspoken, and answer questions left unanswered.

As a Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive, and Healer, I use my gifts to communicate directly with these deceased loved ones to bring forth evidence that they are very much aware of what is going on in your current life and that the love you both shared is still very much alive.  Every Spirit wants you to know love, truth, and gain insight to the afterlife.  Whether their death was caused by unforeseen events, traumatic, or the natural aging continues.

Book A Medium Reading NOW!

Intuitive Readings

Whether you're facing a challenge or life transition, wanting more out of your business or personal life, seeking help with a challenging relationship, or simply just stuck and needing ways to move forward I can help.  As a lifelong gifted Intuitive, I access higher information from realms beyond conscious awareness.  I am Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, and Claircognizant which means I hear, feel, see, and know more than the normal conscious mind allows.  These abilities, which we all have but may not know how to access, allow me to assist you with life's most challenging situations.

During an Intuitive session, you will allow your Higher Self to come through and align with mine as to provide guidance and insight into your life's direction.  Specific circumstances will be addressed and discussed as to point you in a direction that serves your Highest Good.  These sessions tantalize you with morsels of information that make life soooo much sweeter, it's like having the inside scoop at the racetrack.  Prepare yourself to be amazed and delighted with insights that reach far beyond your wildest dreams and shed miles of light in all directions! 

All sessions can be in person(locally) or over the phone. Each session is a 30 min session. You can book up to an hour at a time by either booking 2 (30 min) sessions or contacting me for additional time.

Book An Intuitive Reading NOW!

Numerology/Soul Chart

These readings explain in detail all areas of your life written within a 20-30 page report that's all about you (click HERE to see a demo report). It also comes with a 30 min reading too!

Numerology consists of a combination of numbers from your birthdate and name to reveal secrets about your personality and life path. With little tips from the Universe like that, how could you stray down the wrong path? Enjoy getting the edge on life through this interesting and all-knowing compilation of facts and higher truths that your conscious mind may not quite be aware of yet. Learn what your karmic lessons this lifetime are all about, find out what challenges you bring with your incarnation, follow the monthly and yearly cycles to assist you with important decisions, family dynamics, relationship romance and more. These readings explain in detail all areas of your life written within a 20-30 page report that's all about you. Relationship compatibility charts are also available.

Get Your Numerology/Soul Chart NOW!

The "On Call" Messenger

Need for immediate access to insight and guidanceĀ from your guides for a deeper level of Spiritual Development & Personal Growth?

If you are serious about leveling up in life and want to receive help from your spiritual support team regarding life challenges and personal growth, then this special offer is for YOU! This VIP opportunity will give you top priority and instant access to the Spiritual realm through my gifts as a Spiritual Counselor and Psychic Medium for over 23 years. NEVER miss a message and ALWAYS stay connected!Ā 

Click the link below and SIGN UP !

Only available to 7 people a month, be the first to receive unlimited access to your Guides, Loved ones, Angels, & Higher-Self anytime you need them!

Sign Up Now

Let's Connect!

Whether you are looking for insight, guidance, or support (personally or professionally), I can help you access the wisdom within to light your path along the way.

Schedule a FREE Consultation